Unrealised Potential is the incorporation of Mike Chavez-Dawson's Potential Hits 2005 into a volume of Unrealised Projects, further developing the creative potential of the unrealised in the artist's practice and for an audience's engagement with the work.
Unrealised Potential is an art project as exhibition which will allow gallery-goers the opportunity to become producers themselves by purchasing the right to realise a leading artist's dream project. For this multi-part exhibition artist/curator Mike Chavez-Dawson re-visits his original project Potential Hits, 2005, and working in collaboration with Sam Ely and Lynn Harris combines it with ongoing work Unrealised Projects to form Volume 6: Unrealised Potential.
The show also includes a number of invited contributions from over seventy other artists, including Richard Wilson, Tom Morton, Cecilia Wee, David Shrigley, Simon Patterson, and many more.